09.00: Aankomst met koffie & thee / Arrival, coffee & tea
09.30: Opening en inleiding / Opening and introduction, Prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit (bijzonder hoogleraar Oude Katholieke Kerkstructuren/extraordinary professor of Ancient Catholic Church Structures, Utrecht)
09.40: Keynote lecture: “Only One Small Village? Dutch Catholic Conflicts in Global Perspective (17th-18th c.),” Prof. dr. Charles H. Parker, St. Louis University.
Prof. Charles H. Parker is a leading church historian and published on both Dutch Protestantism and Catholicism. His works include: The Reformation of Community: Social Welfare and Calvinist Charity in Holland, 1572-1620 (1998/2006) and Faith on the Margins: Catholics and Catholicism in the Dutch Golden Age (2008). His current research focuses on the history of Calvinist missions.
10.30: “Making Dutch Church History in Rome: Fr. Jacob Krijs, Apostolic Vicar Petrus Codde and their Anti-Jesuit Networking Mission,” Dr. Dirk J. Schoon, Oud-Katholiek Seminarie/Old Catholic Seminary.
11.15: “Memory, Activism and the Catholic International of Early Modern Europe,” Prof. dr. Judith Pollman, Hoogleraar vroegmoderne Nederlandse geschiedenis/Professor of Early Modern Dutch History Leiden University.
12.00-12.45 Lunch
12.45: “The Origins of Dutch Calvinism? Exile in the Historiography of the Dutch Reformation,” Prof. dr. Mirjam van Veen, Hoogleraar kerkgeschiedenis/Professor of Church History, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
13.30: “Rev. Jacobus Elisa Capitein: the predicaments of an 18th century liberated African in Elmina” Prof. dr. Martha Frederiks, Professor of World Christianity, Utrecht University
14.15 – 14.30: Conclusion: Dr. Jo Spaans, Associate Professor of Church History, Utrecht University
Aanmelding voor het symposium gebeurt door een bijdrage van EUR 10,- over te maken op rekening NL63INGB0005319821 t.n.v. Peter-Ben Smit (p.b.a.smit@uu.nl) en wel voor 7 november.
Registration for the symposium is done by transferring EUR 10,- to the account NL63INGB0004319812 in the name of Peter-Ben Smit (p.b.a.smit@uu.nl), prior to 7 November.